nishnabek de’bwe win//telling our truths: Aboriginal People and Allies Using Technology, Telling Stories, and Making Change

Funding Agency: Social Sciences and Humanities Reearch Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grant
Principal Investigator: Susan Dion

Although much is written about Aboriginal students' experiences in schools ( Dion, 2010; Schissel & Wotherspoon, 2003) little research has been produced that provides Aboriginal students and teachers in urban environments opportunities to tell their own stories. What do Aboriginal people themselves have to say about their experiences of schooling in an urban context? In what ways might access to these stories provide stakeholders with the capacity to better respond to Aboriginal students' needs and Aboriginal student achievement? To understand these perspectives, nishnabek de’bwe win invites Aboriginal teachers and students who teach and learn in urban schools to create digital stories about their experiences during 3-day digital storytelling workshops. Ultimately, our objective is to understand how to create school communities that support positive Aboriginal student achievement. Students and teachers will be invited to participate in the project as researchers and as educators through making self-reflexive videos about their experiences of schooling and by then sharing those films in professional development sessions.

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